A short documentary on the experience of using public transportation to get around in the city of Tianjin, China — a sprawling port town on the Hai River home to some 14.7 million people.

The film looks at what kind of public transportation systems are in place to quickly and efficiently transport millions of people across the city every day, what these systems look like, and how they move through Tianjin. Using only images and music, the film takes a non-dialogue approach to conveying the experience of riding through Tianjin on the subway, bus, and on bikes.

Client: Academy for International Communication of Chinese Culture at Beijing Normal University, in partnership with Boston University

Director/DP/Editor: Joseph Dwyer

Producer: Jinsheng Li

NLE: Adobe Premiere Pro CS6, graded with DaVinci Resolve Lite

Camera: Black Magic Pocket Cinema Camera with Meteor 5-1 17-69mm zoom, MIR-11M 12mm, VEGA7-1 20mm, and TAIR-41M 50mm lenses with Kiev 16U to Micro 4/3 lens adapter

Location: Tianjin, China

Date: July 2014




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